The official docker version of LinkStack This docker image is a simple to set up solution, containing everything you need to run LinkStack.
docker pull linkstackorg/linkstack
The official docker version of LinkStack. This docker image is a simple to set up solution, containing everything you need to run LinkStack.
The docker version of LinkStack retains all the features and customization options of the original version.
This docker is based on Alpine Linux, a Linux distribution designed to be small, simple and secure. The web server is running Apache2, a free and open-source cross-platform web server software. The docker comes with PHP 8.2 for high compatibility and performance.
Using the docker is as simple as pulling and deploying.
docker pull linkstackorg/linkstack
You may change port 80, 443 to your preferred values.
Both HTTP and HTTPS are supported and exposed by default.
Optional environment variables:
(the email, defaults to [email protected]
(the server name, defaults to localhost
(the server name, defaults to localhost
(the log level, defaults to info
(the timezone, defaults to UTC
(the memory-limit, defaults to 256M
(the upload-max-filesize, defaults to 8M
)Supported Architectures:
docker volume create linkstack
docker run --detach \ --name linkstack \ --publish 80:80 \ --publish 443:443 \ --restart unless-stopped \ --mount source=linkstack,target=/htdocs \ linkstackorg/linkstack
docker run --detach \ --name linkstack \ --hostname linkstack \ --env HTTP_SERVER_NAME="" \ --env HTTPS_SERVER_NAME="" \ --env SERVER_ADMIN="[email protected]" \ --env TZ="Europe/Berlin" \ --env PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT="512M" \ --env UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE="8M" \ --publish 80:80 \ --publish 443:443 \ --restart unless-stopped \ --mount source=linkstack,target=/htdocs \ linkstackorg/linkstack