Help us find issues and improve LinkStack
Step 1
Applying to become a beta tester.
For most of our decisions and troubleshooting efforts, we use Discord to communicate. By applying on our Discord, you become part of our beta tester team Discord and get the beta tester rank.
Step 2
Testing new beta versions.
Before any give release goes live, we test releases for any bugs or problems. For this, LinkStack has a built-in beta mode. With this mode enabled, your updater can install new beta releases.
To enable this beta mode, go to your config and set JOIN_BETA to true.
On your Admin Panel, you should now be able to see this prompt pop up:

This informs you of the latest beta installed on the beta server, and your personal instance.
Upon clicking this prompt, you can now use your updater to install new beta versions.

If in beta mode, the updater can download releases many times, unlike the normal updater.
We recommend testing new versions on a separate instance to avoid data loss.
Step 3
Testing new versions.
During development, you can see changes on the change-log channel on our Discord.
Periodically, a new beta release will be pushed to the beta server. Any changes that come with this new version will be noted in the change-log channel.
Before any release, goes into the pre-release phase. These versions will switch their naming system from vX.X.X-beta-X to the main-line naming scheme (vX.X.X).
At this stage we try to iron out any major bugs, errors or security problems. For this, we test every possible combination that any new feature could allow for.
Here is what is expected of you:
Installing the new update before a release is enough, more testing is always welcome!
If your time frame allows it, install the latest beta release. You may try out the new options and see if anything breaks.
Report any problems you encounter during your install in the beta tester chat on the Discord.
If you have any input to new versions or changes, you can share your thoughts in the beta tester chat.